Fall Bucket List to do every year

Have you been wanting to create a fall bucket list but not really sure as to what to do? When fall is here kids are back in school and you can’t really go on a really awesome vacation.

So what exactly do you do during the fall when there’s not a whole lot for you to do? This is the case where I live. A lot of the fun things that you can do with kids are closed during the week and only open on the weekend.

It’s such an annoying thing because you want to be able to do things with your kids. At least the kids that aren’t really in school yet. Even though there are kids that do homeschool they still need to be able to do things during the week as well.

So, these are some of the best fall bucket list things that you can do with or without kids. The best thing about these fall bucket list ideas is that you can do them whether you have kids or not.

They are great for adults and kids alike. You just have to make the most of it and make them fun instead going in thinking that these ideas will be boring like I use to.

Growing up nothing used to please me. Nothing really seemed fun and even though I was given tons of ideas. In a way, it’s still like that but I want to learn to change my mindset and make things fun for our son.

Here are some great fall bucket list ideas that will make it feel more like fall whether the weather has gotten the memo or not.

Why should you create a fall bucket list?

Creating a fall bucket list is always a great idea. I know there are people out there that probably think that it’s pointless. But I love getting in the spirit of certain seasons.

I think it would help if I changed my mindset on things, especially for our family. It would be fun to make the most of each season, especially the fall so our son can remember things as he gets older.

Make a fall wreath

Here is Georgia when fall comes around for the most part it doesn’t feel like fall. Even though we maybe get a couple of fall days it still feels like summer, unfortunately. On top of that, we don’t even get a true fall in weather and with the plants.

So, we need a little something to get us in the fall spirit. And we need something with fall colors down here. Don’t get me wrong though, there are parts of Georgia that really do get the prettiness of fall and all of the oranges and yellows throughout nature.

But we are literally on the Georgia and Florida line so we don’t really get that much here. So for the most part we have to make things that look like fall such as wreaths to hang on the front door and throughout the house. This is such a good fall bucket list idea because it’s a good way to set the mood for the season.

The best part is that you can really learn how to make them through YouTube with a step-by-step guide.

Add going to a corn maze to your fall bucket list

What’s fall without corn and a corn maze? This is something that I have actually never done, but I want to do it this year with our son.

This seems like it would be such a fun thing to do. It always reminds me of fall but I think that’s partly because movies kind of push it. I don’t know many horror movies I have seen that have included corn fields or corn mazes.

I know that’s a bad analogy because who wants to go to a cornfield just for it to turn into something scary? But since life really isn’t a movie this would be such a fun thing to try.

I’m sure my son would have a lot of fun with this as well.

Have smores

So I have been questioning if smores is really a fall thing or not.

The main reason I’m questioning it is that I have seen so many people do it in the summer. I know movies don’t decide this but I have seen numerous movies where people are eating smores during the summer. Yes, you can have smores any time of the year but when do people try to eat them the most?

To me, I feel like they are definitely a summer and fall thing because it’s still warm and not freezing cold outside. This is definitely going to be a fun thing that I’m going to try and do with my son this year!

Carve pumpkins

Fall bucket list

What is fall without pumpkins? I feel like Pumpkins and Halloween is the whole reason most of us enjoy fall, to begin with.

At least that’s why I enjoy fall. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. To be honest I enjoy it more than I do Christmas. Shocker I know. There are so many people who love Christmas. Don’t get me wrong that is absolutely okay but I always find it super stressful.

To me, Halloween is such a fun holiday and a lot less stressful. On top of that but carving pumpkins is such a fun thing to do. We haven’t really done it for the past couple of years and I’m not really sure why. Hopefully this year we can change that and carve something with our son!

This is a good October bucket list if you’re making one separate from your fall bucket list.

Go on a hayride

Going on a hayride is such a fall thing to do. This is definitely a great thing to do on a fall bucket list.

I actually haven’t been on a hayride since I was a teenager and I want to change that. When I had done that back in my teens it was actually a haunted hayride and it was so much fun. Granted it wasn’t really all that scary because I think they were trying to make it more kid-friendly.

Hayrides are such a good thing to do this fall and will be a good way to get out of the house and have a little bit of fun. Hopefully, there are some that we can do this year and have a little bit of fun with.

Decorate for fall

Like I said south Georgia doesn’t really get much fall, unfortunately. We don’t get the pretty colors and the changing of leaves like a lot of other places do.

Having decorating for fall as a fall bucket list is such a great idea for those who don’t really get the experience like a lot of others do. Plus, adding fall decorations makes your home feel so much homier and I’m here for it.

I grew up in a household where we always decorated for Halloween and for fall. So, that may be why I feel like it makes things so homey. That’s something that I want to try and get into the habit of doing again because I miss it.

Go to a haunted house

What would a fall bucket list be if we didn’t have to go to a haunted house on the list?

This isn’t really kid-friendly but it’s still a fun thing to do around this time of year. There are some haunted houses that actually have activities for kids to do while those who want to go to the haunted house do their own thing.

I honestly haven’t been to a haunted house in the past couple of years because our son isn’t at an age where it’s okay to just let him go off and play. On top of that, I don’t trust people so I have to have someone there to kind of keep an eye on him.

Hopefully, this is something that I can attempt to do this year with family and friends.

This is a good fall bucket list for adults if you’re not really wanting to take your kids with you.

Read a book with fall vibes

There’s nothing more than having a good fall than reading a book with fall vibes. That is if you are a reader.

I am a huge reader but I don’t always like to read with the seasons but I know a lot of people do. It kind of gets you in the mood for the season that you are in. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that either because I do this when it comes to movies.

Every October I do try to watch as many horror movies as I can. I love watching them but I do understand that they aren’t for everyone. But it is my way of getting in the mood for the Halloween season!

Clown in a Cornfield is a good book to get you started with this.

Have a fall road trip

Since south Georgia doesn’t really have a true fall this would actually be a good idea. It would be so fun to take a trip to the new England area where they really do get an amazing fall.

On top of that, it does seem like they have a lot of fun fall festivities.

This is something that I would love to try to do when we get a bit of money saved up. Right now we can’t really do a lot and we’re having to cut back a lot but I’m hoping we will get to the point where we can start doing things again. Plus this is something that could tie in with my actual bucket list because I want to travel to all fifty states.

Add a photoshoot to your fall bucket list

So, this is something that I really want to do. I haven’t had any family pictures taken since our son was born. Now that he’s about to be four I want to try and take some more.

Fall pictures are always so pretty to me. But that is depending on where they are taken. I don’t think anyone will ever regret having pictures taken and I always recommend taking them.

Life is way too short to not have pictures taken of your family. If you have a family then your kids will more than likely want them as an adult. I know I would.

If I were to do some fall photos I think I would want to do some fun ones as well. I have been seeing so many people on TikTok taking pictures in costumes or with pumpkin heads. It would be so much fun to do a long with regular photos.

Dress up for Halloween

So, this is something that I actually kind of want to try and start doing throughout the years with my son.

I love Halloween. It is one of my favorite holidays and I grew up always wanting to dress up. Now that I can’t really go trick or treating by myself I have stopped dressing up together.

Let me just tell ya that I really miss it. Dressing up and getting candy were one of the best things about Halloween for me. Now that I want to do it as an adult a part of me wonders if it would be weird to do it with my son. Not that I would be trick or treating but just the idea of dressing up sounds fun.

Do you dress up with your kids?

Start a tradition for your fall bucket list

If you have kids then starting a tradition with them to do each year would be a fun thing to do with them. Even if you don’t have any kids figuring out some sort of traditions to do alone would be fun.

If Halloween is your favorite holiday or if fall is your favorite season then you might as well start creating some sort of traditions to do every year. I know that I want to. However, I do wish that it was something that I had started a long time ago.

For the longest time, I got in a little rut and stopped liking all of the things that I had really enjoyed. I’m just now trying to get out of the rut and get into all of the things I use to really enjoy. Creating these sorts of traditions will help me get back to the point where I’m enjoying things again. Who knows it might do the same thing for you if you take the time out for it.

What are some Fall bucket list ideas that I may have missed? Let me know in the comments what you usually try to do either with your kids or by yourself each year.

If you’re looking for other bucket list ideas then make sure to check out my bucket list ideas to change your life.

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  1. Rose

    I did a fall photoshoot a few years ago and it was a lot of fun! I love pumpkin season because it’s time for baking pumpkin spiced cupcakes 🙂