Bucket List Ideas to live your best life

Ever since the movie The Bucket List I have always wanted to create my very own bucket list.

I know I’m not kicking the bucket. Actually, who knows I might be kicking the bucket soon because we never really know when exactly we are going to pass away.

Because of that, I want to be able to create a life that I would be proud of. I don’t want to have a life full of regret when I get older.

I know the way that I’m living now isn’t for me. I’m home twenty-four seven because I’m a stay-at-mom and I very rarely go anywhere. That’s something that would drive most people mad and it’s starting to drive me mad.

Bucket list ideas

So, for the most part, I try to keep to myself or my family so I don’t have to worry about other people judging me or rejecting me.

Since we’re trying to cut back on money I’m also trying not to go to places like the mall or to restaurants where I will more than likely spend money.

I know quite a few of these things on my bucket list will require money but we won’t be budgeting forever. There are some things I can try to work on in the meantime to try and get the fulfillment that I’m craving.

If I can do this then so can you!

Make sure to check out this bucket list book on Amazon because it could help you figure out where to visit in the United States. Also, here is a bucket list journal to help you keep track of it.

Bucket list meaning

A bucket list has a very simple meaning. What it means is that you have a list of things you would love to do before you die. A lot of people want to do these sorts of things just so they don’t live a life of regret. It’s a way to not really be scared of the day that you die.

A lot of these are great examples of bucket list ideas. On top of that, these are great to add to your bucket list for couples or your travel bucket list.

Travel all 50 states

I know traveling all 50 states is a pretty cliche bucket list task. Just about everyone who creates a bucket list adds this to it. At least those who live in the United States.

I get it. But there’s a reason why so many people add this. If you live here then why not try to see what things are like in different areas of your own country?

I think most of us assume that since we live here that we know what each state is like. The reality of it though is that we don’t. At least most of us don’t.

I feel like each state has its own thing and its own way of living. On top of that, the states have a variety of beauty and a variety of things to do.

I can’t wait until the day I’m able to say I have traveled all 50 states!

Travel outside the United States

This is something I have wanted to do since I was very young. Most of the places that I have wanted to go to though are your typical touristy places. I have always wanted to go to France, Ireland, England, and Germany.

There’s nothing wrong with that but I do want to get down to the nit gritty when it comes to traveling outside of the United States.

For the longest time, I have always been very vague about where I wanted to go. On top of that, I have never really decided on why I wanted to go there other than it being pretty. For most that is reasoning enough and that’s okay, but I don’t want to go somewhere just because it’s pretty because it will lead to disappointment for me.

I want there to be other things that I would want to do and see. This way I will get the full experience of being there and trying things out.

Go on an African Wildlife Safari

bucket list ideas

To me, this would be such a fun thing to do.

I have gone on a small safari before but it wasn’t a true wildlife Safari. The ones I have gone on have been in the United States and have typically been in an amusement park.

Don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with doing these types of safaris. Just taking a flight outside of the United States is expensive. It’s not something everyone can do.

Doing this is probably something I may not get to either just because of the money alone. But I do want to try and maybe save up for it.

Watch a Broadway show in New York

This is something I just want to do for the heck of it. I know that’s probably a bad idea and I should just stick with things that I know I would absolutely like.

I have never been one to go and see plays or things like that. But I haven’t really tried going to any type of play either.

Going to a Broadway show would be a good first play to go to. Granted it may raise my expectations when it comes to going to another one. That’s okay though because I may never go to another one again.

Ride the red bus in London

I know most of you are going to be baffled at me when it comes to riding on a red bus in London. Also, I get that these types of buses have been around for a very long time. But I have wanted to ride one since the Harry Potter movies.

I know it’s not exactly the red bus but it is based on the red bus. To most of you, this may not be that exciting. I get that because it’s a bus that takes you from point A to point B.

Just the fact that it is a double-decor bus just makes it seem like it would be a very fun ride.

Have any of you guys rode on one?

Hike part of the Appalachian Trail

So, a part of me is a little worried about trying to hike the Appalachian Trail.

Why you may ask?

Well, I have gotten on the side of TikTok that talks about how dangerous the Appalachians are at night. Not that I would spend my time roaming around the trails at night but it does concern me about being out there during the day.

Then there’s another part of me that wants to see if these things are real. I have never really experienced anything otherworldly. Not that I want to push my luck but I do want to see if some of these things are real.

Despite that, I still want to try this out. I’m a very outdoorsy person and love getting to do things around nature.

Own a successful business

bucket list ideas

For a while, I was working in retail and loved being able to make my own money. Now that I’m a stay-at-home mom I miss having my own money, but I refuse to work in retail anymore. I do want The Alternative South to be a part of my business as soon as I am able to figure out what I want to do when it comes to making this a business.

A part of me doesn’t want to work for someone else anymore. I don’t want to do things their way and I don’t want to have to worry about having to work around the holidays anymore. Around the holidays you’re not able to spend time with family as much as you like because you’re having to go to work the very next day.

On top of that, I don’t want to have to worry about when I can take off and go on vacation like I use to have to do.

I know not everyone is able or even wants to own their own business. It’s not for everyone and I get that. However, I do wish that those who want to and are able to be able to start their business now.

Become a self-made millionaire

I don’t know if I would have the chance to really do this. If I’m able to then I would have to be pretty successful with my business. I know I can’t do it when it comes to working retail. To be honest, I don’t think anyone can really become rich off of working retail. Especially when retail is minimum wage or at least really close to it.

I think just about everyone wants to become a self-made millionaire, especially with how things are going right now. I think right now just about everyone deserves to become a self-made millionaire.

Go on a family vacation

So, my husband and I very rarely go anywhere. We haven’t really been on vacation since my son was born and that was four years ago. It doesn’t help that we’re trying to cut back on spending money.

Hopefully within the next year or so we can actually go on vacation as a family. I mean without my parents going with us. We have been going with them to the beach every year but I still don’t exactly consider that a vacation. We go to that beach all of the time and right now going somewhere with them just isn’t much of a vacation to me.

I know most of ya’ll probably think otherwise.

If we do go on vacation I hope it’s out of the state of Georgia and visit another state.

Learn to sew

So, a family member actually gave me a sewing machine last year. Here it is almost a year later and I haven’t even touched it. That’s something I want to change though.

For as long as I can remember I have always been a very creative person even though I kind of lost that a little while in my twenties. I want to get that back because I really miss that outlet that I had. At the time it was a release for me.

Sewing for me is a little bit intimidating. But I do think it has a lot to do with starting something new. I can be a perfectionist at times and I get pretty frustrated when something goes wrong. I know I know I can’t be great at something when I first start.

I’m adding this to my bucket list because I want to get to it eventually. I want to be able to make things for me and Finn!

Learn a new Language

Learning a new language has been on my bucket list for a long time. Now I’m starting to question whether I really want to or not. I have gotten to the point where I just really don’t care anymore to learn.

Hopefully, that will change in the next month or so because there have been a couple of languages that I really want to learn. One of them is Spanish since there are a lot of Hispanics that live around this area.

I have always wanted to be able to communicate with those that don’t know English. Other than that French was another I wanted to learn.

Try Knitting and Crocheting

bucket list ideas

This is something that I have been wanting to do for the past year!

I am a very creative person. It’s something I have always loved doing and I don’t think that’s really going to change at all. I love being able to create things because it makes me feel accomplished and proud of myself.

So, why do I want to try crocheting or knitting? To me, once I learn anyways, it feels like doing this would be a good distraction. It will keep my mind off of things and keep my mind busy. That’s what I want and that’s what I want to work towards as well.

On top of that, I see so many creators who have made some of the coolest things with crocheting. I love it and I want to be able to do the same thing as well.

Ride a zipline

I have always been a somewhat adventurous person. The only thing is that I really don’t like doing things on my own. Now that I’m a parent I don’t want it to be just me and our son.

I do want to change my mindset on that though. Right now my husband for the most part is always gone. He’s rarely ever home right now because of school and work. So, that means I’m constantly waiting to do things with him. But I want to change that because it’s not fair for the two of us to always stay home. I want to be able to have adventures with our son and do things that he will always remember.

I know I’m getting a little sidetracked and I by no means mean that I want to take my son ziplining. Maybe when he gets old enough I will.

This is something that I have always wanted to do and it’s time to get that adventurous spirit back in my life.

Get a tattoo

For the longest time, I have always said that I wanted to get a tattoo. I don’t know exactly what I want though.

So, why exactly am I adding this to my bucket list? Like I said I have always wanted a tattoo. I love the way that they look and I have always wanted to get one in memory of mom since I lost my grandma last year I want one for her as well.

If you aren’t a tattoo person then I get that you probably won’t understand why this would even be on someone’s bucket list. That’s okay but I have always thought they were cool and like I said I want one in memory of a family member.

Indoor skydive

This is something that has been on my bucket list for a long time as well. Starting off with an indoor skydive might help me get an idea of what actual skydiving is like and then maybe lead me to actually skydiving from an airplane.

Most won’t get why I want to do this. I have always been an adrenaline junky for as long as I remember. On top of that, I did say I’m pretty adventurous. Even though doing things on my own sometimes really scares me I still like to be able to push myself into doing things that I have always wanted to do.

Life is too short to always be scared and keep yourself cooped up and away from the world.

Ride a hot air balloon

Riding a hot air balloon is something that I would love to do with my son when he gets a little older. That is if it is something that he wants to do.

I want to be able to save some adventures for when he gets a little older so we can have some things to do together. Hopefully, when he gets older he will actually want to spend time with me and do things like this together.

On top of that, I do want him to be able to remember some of the things that we do.

Be published

It has been a dream of mine since I was very young to be published. I have always loved to write and I have always loved creating new stories and worlds. It’s fun creating your own characters and building them up.

So it has always been a dream of mine actually to finish a book and get it published. It’s one that I really need to work on and set time aside to write. I know this isn’t for everyone but this is always been a dream of mine!!

Take a painting class

I have always wanted to learn how to paint. It seems like it would be such a fun thing too.

I’m on TikTok a lot and I see a lot of painters there who are able to create some of the best paintings out there. Since I’m a very creative person, I would love to learn how to paint properly.

Painting seems like such a relaxing hobby and fun to do whether you are indoors or outdoors. Since we do have some places that do painting classes I might try to do them around the time our son starts to go to school.

Take an art class

This ties in with painting. I use to draw a lot when I was younger and I loved it.

Now that I’m older I kind of got out of the habit of drawing and I don’t know why. I really want that to change because I really miss it. It use to be something that would occupy my mind a lot. Right now that is something that I really need. I need something that will really occupy my mind because I’m getting to the point where literally everything stresses me out.

I worry about what I do and I worry about what others do and I need to stop. Art used to help me out a lot because it would preoccupy my mind and distract me.

Make my home feel like home

I do have to say that home does not feel like a home at all.

For one our house is pretty cluttered and that is something we need to work on. I feel like home is not pretty at all and not set up how I want it to be at all.

I’m used to having hardwood floors, pictures, and decorations almost everywhere. And on top of that, I’m used to everything having its own place. Right now we have a lot of things that do not have a home and are just sitting around and I have no idea where to put them.

I want to fix that and work on making my home something to be proud of. That also includes my yard as well.

Go on a cruise

bucket list ideas

So I have actually been on a cruise. If I have been on a cruise then why exactly am I adding this to my bucket list if I have already done it?

Well, that is an easy answer. I went on a cruise back when I was thirteen years old. At the time I couldn’t really do anything either and I found it boring.

Now that I’m an adult I want to try again. I figured I would maybe have a lot more fun with it this time if I’m able to find things that I’d want to do. It’s something I would like to try and do with my son as well.

I think everyone should try to go on a cruise at least once and if that was when you were a kid then I suggest trying it again as an adult.

Go to a Drive-in-Movie

So, a drive-in movie is something that I have done before as well.

The main reason I’m adding it to this list is that I really want to try and do it again. I loved going to a drive-in movie theater when we first did it. On top of that, I highly suggest that everyone try and go to a drive-in movie at least once.

The only thing is that there aren’t many out there. I really wish there was but that just means that we are going to have to find some to go to that are close to us.

On top of that, I would love to see how our son does with this. I don’t think he would do very well with an actual theater right now but a Dive-in movie might be a little bit better.

Master a video game

I don’t know how many times I have started a video game and then never finished it. I have gone as far as starting the game over and then still never finishing it.

There’s just something about starting a game over and then getting the same high that I got when I first started. I do want to change that though.

There are so many games that I have found really fun such as Little Big Planet and Animal Crossing that I keep starting over and over again without actually finishing them. It’s something that I need to stop because even though I enjoy starting them over it is very frustrating having to start all over again.

Get a make-up lesson

Since many of you guys don’t really know me very well, I did lose my mom when I was twelve years old. Because of that, there are a lot of things that I didn’t really learn as I was growing up.

Make-up is one of those things that I didn’t learn. It doesn’t help that I didn’t really have much interest in it.

So if I have no interest then why exactly do I want to learn? I want to try and build up my confidence. I know make-up shouldn’t make you feel pretty and you should build up confidence without having to change much of your appearance.

The reality of everything is that makeup and your appearance really do make your confidence build up. There’s no changing it really.

Create a passive income

This is something that I have wanted to try and do for the past year.

Since my husband lost his pretty good-paying job we have constantly been worried about money. I know that at first passive income isn’t really all that passive and you have to work to really get it to become passive.

Or it could be passive a good majority of the time but there are times when you have to do something for it. Kind of like doing rental properties or Air BNBs where for the most part it is passive but something breaks and you have to get it fixed.

This is something that I really want to try to work on in the next 6 months so we can finally stop worrying about every little thing.

Find a career I love

I am 32 years old and I still don’t know what I really want to do. To be honest I did not think I would still be here in my thirties.

Don’t ask me why because there was nothing wrong with me and I have never been so depressed to go that far (if you know what I mean). But I never really imagined my life after 30. I never imagined getting married and I definitely never imagined having kids.

It’s not that I didn’t want those things but because I never imagined myself still being here I never really figured out what I wanted to do with my life. And now I’m trying to figure things out in my 30s with a husband and a kid. Not that it’s impossible but boy it can be stressful.

Learn to bake

Bucket list ideas

Learning to bake is something that I want to do with my son. I see so many parents baking things with their kids and I want to do things like that with my son.

Don’t get me wrong though, for the most part I know how to bake things. But I need to have the recipe there in front of me in order to be able to bake something.

I have also gotten to the point where I do not like fixing something that has a ton of ingredients. If I’m going to be doing this with my son then I don’t really want a lot of ingredients with that either. On top of that, I want to be able to start making yummy treats.

I kind of wouldn’t mind being able to do themed cakes for my son for his birthday. I just need to get out of this mindset of I can’t do things. My mindset is what is holding me back from a lot of things.

Experience the Northern Lights

Traveling has been something I have wanted to do for the longest time. To be honest, I haven’t really set foot anywhere outside of Georgia and I want to.

Florida is a state that I don’t really count because we’re literally right there on the border and have been going to Tallahassee long before I was even born.

There are a ton of pictures of the Northern Lights on the internet and they are so pretty. It’s something that I would to be able to experience myself. We just need to work on saving the money and setting out the time on doing things like this.

Learn to take photos

This is something that I have been wanting to do for the longest time now.

I use to be a very creative person but as I have gotten older that has kind of diminished. That’s something that I want to change so much because I miss the creative aspect of things.

I use to always be so proud of the things that I was able to create. Now that our family has grown I would love to be able to take photos of our family and it actually looks good.

Since I’m an introvert I think photography would be a really fun hobby to get me out of the house and not really have to deal with people all that much.

Make a new friend

I’m sure many of you are probably wondering why I’m adding this to my bucket list. If you’re an extrovert then you don’t really realize how hard it is to make friends.

I’m a very awkward person and on top of that, I am very quiet. It’s not that I’m shy it just takes me a moment to warm up. Since I can be a bit awkward at times I try my best not to put my foot in my mouth. So I tend to take my time and try to think about how I word things.

This makes it really hard to actually make any friends. I know being home all of the time doesn’t help but here there are really not many activities to do with your toddler that are free. I wish there were some fairs or some outdoor activities that can bring the community together.

Road trip on a train

Having a road trip on a train seems like it would be really fun.

Flying on a plane you don’t really get to see the scenery. Driving a long distance isn’t always that fun, especially with a toddler.

At least when you take a road trip on a train you would be able to get up and stretch instead of sitting down for hours. On top of that, you will still be able to see the scenery.

Driving a long distance is also pretty draining so taking a train you’ll be able to relax a little bit. Hopefully, soon this is something we will be able to do.

Visit a ghost town

When I joined TikTok is when I first realized that ghost towns were a thing.

This just goes to show that I don’t really travel very much. But for the most part, I thought that every single town was lived in. Granted I understand that some towns have a very small population but they still have a population.

This is something that interests me very much. It makes me wonder why exactly would people abandon a whole freaking town. What could have happened that would make a whole population move?

This might be a road trip idea I try to do in a couple of years.

Visit 3 national parks

I’m a very outdoorsy person. I have always liked being outside. Growing up I played softball and absolutely loved that. When I wasn’t playing softball I was in our neighborhood actually rollerblading. So, growing up I was a very active person.

Now that I’m an adult I’m not nearly as active as I use to be and I really want that to change. Not only will it be something that would benefit me but I do want my son to be active as well. I don’t want him to be the type of kid that is always watching tv or playing video games.

I have always wanted to visit some national parks. It’s something I may way wait to do when my son is a little bit older because I know he will get tired if we’re walking a lot.

Get out of my comfort zone

I do have to say that this is something that really makes me uncomfortable. I’m an introvert and I DO NOT like getting out of my comfort zone at all.

Honestly, getting out of my comfort zone seems to only have gotten worse since I have become a stay-at-home mom. I do not want to get out of the house. That’s not really a good thing because I benefit from getting out of the house.

Not only do I benefit from it but I do think my son benefits from it as well. I just never really know where to go because one we are trying to save on money and two we live in a somewhat rural area. We do live in a military and college town but there is really not a lot to do here, especially if you’re trying to cut back on money.

Since we don’t really have any friends we don’t really have anyone to meet up with either. So, this is something I’m really going to have to work on and I might start off with going to church.

Find me

This kind of ties in with finding a career I love. Since I never really thought I would still be here at this age.

I want to figure out my parenting style for one. Growing up I was never really around kids all that much so now as a parent I kind of struggle with discipline. On top of that, I struggle with any type of activities to do with him. It doesn’t help that I’m very introverted and I don’t really care to socialize.

Other than figuring out my parenting style I also want to figure out what makes me happy. I need to learn how to make myself confident and learn how to be content with things. So, soon I might try to do a six-month challenge to change my life and my way of thinking.

Declutter the house

This kind of ties in with making my home feel like home. Right now our home does not feel like home at all. Our house is super cluttered. There are tons of things we have in storage that we do not need and need to get rid of.

I think this is partly why my mind feels so cluttered as well. We need to work on getting rid of things and I would probably feel a little bit better in my own head if we did.

So, I know most of you are wanting to know why this is worthy to even be added to a bucket list. If you’re anything like me then decluttering and figuring out what to get rid of is kind of hard to do. It doesn’t help that I have a significant other that doesn’t have the time to help me with this. But most of the things that we need to declutter are his stuff as well.

Learn about stocks

Stocks are something that I’m really scared of doing. It’s gambling and I’m really scared of losing the money. We don’t exactly have a lot of money to play with and I know a lot of people are losing a lot of money.

So, learning about stocks is something that I would really love to learn how to do. I have money in my savings that have just been sitting there for years. I’m a stay-at-home mom and I’m not really earning any sort of money. So, I’m not really putting anything in and I’m not really taking anything out.

I want that to change. I don’t want to be in my 60s and 70s and worried about money. If my husband is no longer here then I don’t want to worry about that. So, if I’m able to learn about stocks and do well with them then that would be perfect!

Make a difference in someone’s life

I have always wanted to make a difference in someone’s life. A long time ago I actually watched a movie called Pay it Forward. Because of that movie I have always wanted to have the ability to help someone.

This is something that my dad has always kind of inspired me to do as well. My dad has always been someone who has helped people since I was young. He would donate money to charities and since he’s a relator he would be helpful with rent when someone was going through a hard time.

With social media, I feel like for the most part the negative is always highlighted. There is so much negativity in our world. So, the reason this is on my bucket list is that I want to try and light up someone’s day. I want to be the reason someone ends up having a good day because there is not a lot of that in this world.

Be Confident

I can not remember a time I have ever been confident. I don’t remember ever really being comfortable in my own skin. Now that I’m in my thirties I’m just tired.

I’m just tired of always being aware of myself and conscious of how I am feeling. I’m never happy with how I look or with what I am doing. At this point, I’m just sick of it because it does stress me out.

Working on my confidence has always been something that I have wanted to work on. It’s not fun always second-guessing yourself and always doubting yourself.

Hopefully, this is something that I can actually work towards and gain the confidence that I should’ve had a long time ago.

Create a Halloween Tradition

Even though I should probably have started this a long time ago I really do want to create a Halloween tradition. I want to make the holidays really fun for me and our son both.

I want him to look forward to these things as he gets older and still wants to be able to do them with me. As he gets older that will probably change and he won’t want to do much with me anymore. That’s okay and I understand but I do want him to look back and remember how much he enjoyed this time.

Create a Christmas tradition

I have a few ideas when it comes to Christmas traditions. I use to love Christmas. It was my favorite holiday growing up. When I started working in retail that kind of change.

I started realizing that people are scrooges especially when Christmas time comes. I don’t think many people realize how mean they get when the holidays get here. That kind of changed my mindset when it comes to the holidays.

That time of year is really supposed to be the time of giving but you really do realize how selfish and mean people can be.

Despite that I want my outlook on that time of year to change. If not for my sake then I want it to be for the sake of my son because he deserves it. So, I’m going to try and work on creating traditions to do with him each year to make the most of it.

This is something I’m adding to my bucket list for my son’s sake. I know that may be the wrong way to think about it but I definitely want to make the holidays fun for him.

Stop yelling

I have never been much of a yeller but as soon as I became a parent that all kind of changed. My patience is lower and I seem to get really agitated a lot easier. I don’t know what it is but I need to work on it.

This is one thing on my bucket list that I want to change ASAP. I did not grow up in a household that yelled. In fact, yelling scared me when I was younger.

I do not want my son to grow up in a household that has yellers. He doesn’t deserve that and I shouldn’t put myself through that.

Over the next year, I want to work on my patience with him and improve my parenting so I don’t get frustrated with him. If I learn to be more patient then his behavior might change some as well.

We’ll get there!

Figure out a better parenting style

So this kind of ties in with the last thing. I suck when it comes to parenting. I was the baby of the family and I was never really around kids that much growing up.

My problem is that I go through from doing almost everything for our son to trying to make him do things on his own. Yes, I pretty much go from one extreme to another extreme and I need to find a middle ground to work on it.

I want him to be more independent but also know that he can come to me if he actually needs help. This is an important bucket list idea for me and if you’re a parent it may be important to you as well.

Figuring out a parenting style is a bucket list idea that I absolutely have to work on. If this is something you need to work on as well then I highly suggest doing some research on this as well.

Nurture relationships

As I said before I’m a really huge introvert. So much so that I don’t really get out of the house very much. In turn, this has made me into an even bigger introvert if this makes sense.

If I don’t push myself to get out and socialize then I’m really not going to get out at all. Then on another hand, I do have a tendency to get in a funk if I’m always at home. As much as I don’t want it I do need to socialize with other people.

So because I’m this I would like to try and make friends. I do want to work on maybe meeting up with older friends once a month for dinner or something. I have a tendency to complain about my relationships with others and then don’t work on making them better.

Learn to manage my anxiety

I have always had to deal with anxiety. For as long as I can remember I have always got anxious about some of the craziest things. Once I started then I would spiral and not be able to stop thinking about whatever it is.

When I was younger I don’t think it was nearly as bad as it is now. I literally worry about everything from money to what exactly am I going to do for the day.

It’s something I really need to work on so it’s something that my son doesn’t pick up. Not only that but I really do need to get to the point where I can be content. This is not good for my health at all and I know it.

If you go through the same thing then make sure to add this to your bucket list as well!

Figure out self cares that work for me

bucket list ideas

So, this is something that I need to work on.

I know working on self-care just for me is something that I needed to work on last year. All moms (and dads) need their own self-care list. Being a parent is hard and we all need a little bit of a break. On top of that kids sometimes need a break from you as well.

It does everyone some good.

Figuring out a self-care that really works for you can help tremendously in calming yourself down when you are feeling overwhelmed. Literally, everyone gets overwhelmed at some point in their life. That is unless you’re a robot.

But if you aren’t a robot you still need to figure out a way to calm yourself down.

Work on my insecurities

Over the past four years or so I have noticed that my insecurities are getting worse.

I no longer feel comfortable at home. I’ve noticed that I no longer have confidence in myself. But what has changed?

I use to feel comfortable in my own skin and I use to enjoy the things that I use to do.

That’s something that I really need to get back to. There needs to be some stability and I need some routine. There needs to be something for me that will help keep my mind off of things and occupied. But on top of that, I need something that I can still do around a toddler.

I get distracted very easily so I need something that we can either do together or something he can do on his own. This is one bucket list idea that I can start working on now and so can you. There is no reason we shouldn’t be confident in ourselves.

Change my mindset

Changing my mindset is another idea that is very important to me. I have added this to my bucket list because I need to do better.

This kind of ties in with a few of the other things on my bucket list and it’s something I know a lot of people probably need to work on.

A lot of us have gotten to a point where we are in a constant state of negativity. We’re negative about our lives and the things that are around us.

We have pretty much become a world of pessimists and I do not like it. I use to be a very optimistic person. It didn’t take so much to please me when it comes to getting out of the house or when it comes to what to eat. There is a multitude of other things as well that seemed to have changed.

I miss the woman I use to be and it’s no one’s fault but my own. This just means I need to get my mind right and back to where I want to be. So, this is a very important bucket list idea that I really want to work on.

Be happy with my life

bucket list for couples

So there’s a very good reason why I’m adding this to my bucket list. I have not been happy with my life in ages. I’m not completely sure why. However, I think part of the reasoning is that I’m always home. Yes, I am an introvert and I really do love being home.

My problem is that I feel like I have no purpose. I know most will say that my son is my purpose and I agree. He is my purpose. But what happens when he becomes an adult and (hopefully) doesn’t really need me much anymore? Even though yes I am his mother and yes I’m the one who is taking care of him I still need my own life separate from him as well.

Just like he needs life on his own separate from me as well.

Now I just need to find that purpose!

Learn how to take care of my hair

Growing up I never learned how to really take care of my hair and make it look nice.

My mom passed away when I was twelve years old. So, at the time I did kind of lose the person who would have taught me these things. At the time we didn’t have YouTube so I couldn’t use that to teach myself. I get that’s no excuse because there has been a lot of time between then and now.

So, why is it something I want to do now? Well, I want taking care of my hair to be one of my self-care habits. In my late teens and early twenties, I actually had some confidence. It may not have been much but it was there. Then as I got older it just started to plummet.

Taking care of my hair will probably help with my confidence. Maybe not much but it’s a stepping stool.

This is a bucket list idea that I am hoping to get to soon. Considering this isn’t really something that would even take longer then this would be a good thing to learn in my spare time.

What are some things that you have on your bucket list? Have you been able to accomplish any of them? If you’re wanting to know a little more about what The Alternative South is about then make sure to check out the about me page.

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