Haunted Houses in Georgia to visit

Are you looking for Haunted Houses in Georgia to visit this October? I know I am! All of these haunted houses are actually located in Georgia if you couldn’t already tell! Since I am a blogger based in Georgia and will probably put a lot more effort into talking about Georgia over any other state I wanted to make sure this post was somewhat local.

When I start to travel a little bit more I might try to include all fifty states as well. But that all depends if I get to travel much and be able to visit some of these haunted houses. If you enjoy haunted houses as much as I do then I’m sure you realize how fun this would be!

Haunted Houses in Georgia to visit

To me, these are some of the best-haunted houses in Georgia and they are ones that I’m always hearing about. Some of these I have gone to while others I would love to go to one day. If any of these are considered extreme haunted houses then I will make sure to let you know about each one.

Pavo Haunted House – Fun haunted houses in Georgia

So, I know quite a few people are probably not going to know about this one. This is one that takes place in south Georgia every single year but everyone seems to focus more on ones in north Georgia. That’s something I’m going to change with this post because the haunted houses that are down here are so much fun.

The Pavo Haunted House is located in Pavo Georgia. They have been doing it every single year for years now. It’s always located in an old abandoned school which makes it creepier. For as long as I can remember that school has been closed down. On top of that, it’s pretty run down which makes the haunted house perfect.

Every single year the haunt has a different theme so every time that you go you won’t be getting the same thing. Tickets for this are around $12 per person.

Netherworld Haunted House – top rated haunted houses in Georgia

Netherworld Haunted House is one that I have wanted to go to for the longest time. I don’t even remember how I even found out about this haunted house considering it is in north Georgia and I live in south Georgia.

Someday I do want to see about visiting this one because it seems very well done. The only thing is that the tickets seem a little bit more expensive. I’m not sure if this is more of a location thing or a popularity thing. Then again it could be a little bit of both.

I can’t seem to figure out if this is an extreme haunted house or not but they do have a museum and escape rooms along with the haunted house. To me that is pretty cool and kind of makes the prices a little bit worth it.

I can’t wait until the day that I’m able to do this one!

Plantation Blood

Plantation Blood is one that I never heard of until I started doing some research about this. Looking into it it seems a lot creepier than some of the haunted houses that I have gone to.

When I looked into this one they don’t outright say if they touch you or not. They do say they really get into your personal space though. If you’re thinking about going then I would really think about it if you’re considering doing this one.

Just by looking at the pictures, I can’t tell if the scary actors are wearing masks. In some areas it kind of looks like they are wearing makeup. I’m assuming it’s a mask just because they are going to be sweating a lot but it does look like it could be either.

I don’t know for sure if this is one that I really want to do. Even though I love haunted houses I don’t want to be touched if I’m going through one. It’s understanding that I don’t know for sure if they touch you but I don’t want to spend $25 just for them to do it.

Paranoia Haunted House – Creepy haunted houses in Georgia

If you’re looking for haunted houses in Georgia then make sure you check out Paranoia Haunted House. From what I can gather, this isn’t an extreme haunted house because they do allows kids in the haunted house. If it was extreme then there would be an age limit.

But that’s not to say you should allow your children to go to this. It seems like it’s still scary enough to scare young kids. So if you plan on taking your kids make sure you’re taking that into consideration.

Even looking at some of the pictures some of the things in this haunted house do look a little bit more graphic. This is compared to some other haunted houses that I have actually gone to. Take that into consideration if you’re planning on going.

Moody Haunted Trail

Haunted Houses in Georgia

This is another one that I have been to. I do have to say that this one is a little bit scarier than the Pavo haunted house.

I haven’t really gone in a couple of years because ya know covid and on top of that, we had a baby. We didn’t really have the opportunity to really go. Hopefully, sometime soon we can start going back again because I love going to haunted houses so much.

This is one that is close to an air force base but is off in a creepy area. I do have to say that this one is pretty quick though. Granted it doesn’t help that most of the time we go in we wind up getting grouped with runners.

I can’t seem to find the price for this one yet. If I remember correctly I don’t remember it being that expensive when I use to go.

Camp Blood

If you’re looking for haunted houses in Georgia camp blood seems to be a really fun one to do. From what I can tell the haunt is out in the middle of nowhere. Since a lot of Georgia is in the middle of nowhere it isn’t really saying a lot. They have the haunt in the woods and it isn’t an extreme haunt where they touch you.

I’m not really sure how much the tickets cost since the link isn’t working on their website. If I can find it when it gets closer to time then I will make sure to put it on here.

I do have to say that from what I have seen on their website the makeup doesn’t seem as great as some of the other haunts. They do seem like they would be worth a shot though. They do still seem to be pretty active if you’re wanting to go. If you do go then make sure to tell me what you think of it!

Are there any Haunted Houses in Georgia that I may have missed? Let me know in the comments what your favorites are!

If this post caught your attention then make sure to check out my list of Halloween Traditions.

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