Best Halloween Traditions for Families

Even though I enjoy the warmer months of the year, I still think that Halloween is probably one of my favorite times of the year. I love horror and I love pretty much anything creepy. That’s partly why I wanted to create a list of the best Halloween traditions for either families or to do alone. Granted there are a few traditions on this list that adults won’t be able to do alone.

So, I can’t really wait until October and find costumes for us to wear. I’m looking forward to the candy and all of the treats you are able to get around this time of year.

So, what are some of the best Halloween traditions you can do as a family? There are so many out there and ways you can have fun around this time of year.

Best Halloween Traditions

Most of these ideas are really good ideas if you’re wanting to do them alone, with a friend, your significant other, or just your whole family. It doesn’t matter how exactly you’re doing this or who you are really doing it with. If you are trying to have a little bit of fun this fall some of these are pretty good ideas no matter what stage in life you are in.

If you are a stay-at-home mom like me then these are some great options to get you and your kid out of the house. We all know that staying home all of the time gets a little old. You tend to get a little bored and a little lonely. On top of that, you just need to escape your own home.

At least that’s how I am. It’s so hard for someone like me to actually make friends but just getting out of the house sometimes helps. I know that there are other mom’s out there just like me. So, here are some of the best Halloween traditions for families or even moms who just want something to do.

Carve Pumpkins as one of the best Halloween traditions

Best Halloween Traditions

I know carving pumpkins seems like one of the more obvious choices, but there are times when I don’t think people really think about it. I know there are times that I don’t really think about it.

For the past couple of years, we really haven’t been carving any pumpkins. I don’t really even know why we just stopped because it was something I actually use to enjoy doing. Now that my son is old enough to be able to carve his own pumpkin I would love to start back again.

I know there are times when you just don’t really want to do something like this with your kids. It can be messy or they just don’t know how to carve a pumpkin yet. If that may be the case then I really suggest trying it. Who knows it might surprise you. Your kids might actually do well and enjoy doing it.

Make Halloween crafts

I know what you’re thinking. Making Halloween crafts seems like it would only be for kids. I get that and sometimes it is.

I do have to suggest going to one of those paint and sip stores if you have one near you. This is a good “craft” for adults and I do consider it a craft for adults otherwise they wouldn’t offer wine. There are a lot of these stores around that do themes and I’m sure they do Halloween themes when it’s around that time.

Making Halloween crafts is such a great idea for adults and children alike. If you’re crafty then this is a good way to get out of the house and do something that you actually enjoy. If there is somewhere that you can actually take your kids to do crafts and be able to do crafts yourself is an even better idea for the both of you.

Go to a pumpkin Patch

Going to a pumpkin patch is something I actually want to do this year.

For someone who loves Halloween and loves the fall colors, I have actually never gone to a pumpkin patch. I just never really thought about going. It was something that I never really thought would be fun. I mean you’re just going to look at pumpkins. Now I’m actually starting to realize that going to a pumpkin patch is like going to pick out your Christmas tree.

This year rather than going to the grocery store to pick out our pumpkin we might actually try going to the pumpkin patch. It just seems like it would be a lot more fun to be more festive and go to a pumpkin patch.

This is a great thing to do with your family, friends, or even just your significant other.

Go trick or treating

Best Halloween Traditions

So, trick or treating is one of the best Halloween traditions for families to me.

Growing up trick or treating has always been one of my fondest memories. I loved it and I wish there were ways adults could do this as well. It’s one thing I miss even though I actually like taking our son trick or treating.

I probably went trick or treating a little bit longer than I probably should have. But it was such a fun thing to really do. I can’t wait until our son enjoys doing this a little more. We’re on our way though because he did really well last year.

A part of me is actually thinking about dressing up with my son this year as well. I miss getting to dress up for Halloween and we don’t have many friends to actually go to Halloween parties. It will probably be something I do this year with my son!

Do you enjoy taking your kid’s trick or treating?

Decorate Halloween Houses

This is something I never really thought about until I did some research on some of the best Halloween traditions that weren’t so obvious. Decorating Halloween Houses is pretty much like decorating gingerbread houses.

Decorating Halloween houses seems like it would be such a fun thing to do. Growing up my family never really did this sort of thing. We never really did make gingerbread houses or even Halloween houses even if that was a thing back in the nineties.

I want to do all the sorts of things that I didn’t get to do as a kid with my son. I want to be able to make a ton of memories with him that he will always remember.

Make Halloween Cookies

You can’t go through this time of year without making themed goodies. At least I know I can’t.

Baking Halloween cookies is such a fun thing to do around this time of year. One of the good things about it though is that it really gets you in the mood for this time of year as well.

Usually, I get the Halloween-themed sugar cookies from Walmart, but if you are the type of person that likes doing things from scratch then I highly suggest looking for some recipes on Pinterest. This is such a fun thing to do whether you have kids or not.

I have never been much of a baker but now that I’m getting older the more I think they would actually be really fun. On top of that, it’s something that I kind of want to try and do with my son as well. Even though he’s only four he actually really enjoys helping with cooking.

Hayride for one of the best Halloween traditions

I haven’t gone on a hayride since I was a teenager. I know I know that’s such a huge thing about the fall and they are such a fun thing to do. But the hayride that I went on was only done for one year and did nothing after that year.

On top of that, the hayride was actually a haunted hayride rather than just a regular one. So, if you have a hayride opening up near you then make sure you pay attention to whether it’s “haunted” or not. If it is it may be something you might not want to do if you have kids.

If there are any hayrides near you that aren’t haunted then I really suggest you check them out with your kids.

This is actually one thing that I wish we had more of down here in south Georgia. It actually kind of baffles me that we don’t. This is something that nearly everyone would enjoy.

Do you have hayrides where you are?

Go to a fall festival

The fall festival is one that might be a little harder to do around this time of year. I say this because you might be in a location where you really aren’t able to go to a fall festival.

Unfortunately, I’m in a location where there are no fall festivals anywhere close to us. Or at least I have never noticed that they are near us. This year I might actually try to do some research and see if there are any within a couple of hours away from us.

I suggest that you do the same thing because who knows, more might be popping up considering the past couple of years that we have. Hopefully, that will be the case and more will pop up around us.

What fall festivals do you enjoy going to?

Go see Halloween lights

You know the older I have gotten the less I have thought about going to see lights around this time of year. We all think about going to see the Christmas lights because it seems like the thing we really think about. But around Halloween not so much.

Like I said that’s my perspective though and that’s kind of the way that I see it. I wish it was more common around Halloween where there are places you can go to and see all of the lights like you can around Christmas.

But it’s a good idea to ride through neighborhoods and see if anyone has any lights up. If anything make sure to bring this to life again because it does seem like not many people do this anymore. I do remember doing this as a kid and absolutely loved it.

When I was young I remember people going all out when it comes to decorations for Halloween. I loved it! Now it seems like there aren’t many who do it anymore and I miss it.

Go on a ghost tour for one of the best Halloween traditions

So, depending on what exactly they do this is something you can potentially do with your kids. I have gone on a couple of ghost tours in Savannah and St. Augustine where the tours weren’t that bad. They aren’t really scary but are done kind of late. So, take that into consideration if you’re doing it with kids.

But don’t take my word for it because what some of these ghost tours do could potentially be something that you don’t want your kids around. It’s all subjective.

If your kids are interested in this sort of thing then I would really think about taking them. That is unless there is some sort of scares in the tour to make it more interesting.

A lot of the things that I’m finding for things like this are located in Savannah, Ga. Just one of those things is here.

What are some of the best Halloween traditions that I missed? Hopefully, these Halloween traditions will give you some ideas of what you can do around your area. If you’re still a little unsure then I highly suggest maybe looking at the events happening near you on Facebook. These will probably give you some great ideas.

If you are looking for other things to do then make sure to check out my bucket list ideas.

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