Fun Things to do in Tallahassee FL

I have lived on the Georgia and Florida border all of my life. Because of this, I have constantly gone to Tallahassee to go and do things and to get some shopping done. That’s actually where I always went for back-to-school shopping because we didn’t have a lot of options where I lived and we don’t have a lot of options where I’m living now either. But what are some of the fun things to do in Tallahassee FL?

I have to be honest I’m starting to realize how little we did in the cities that surrounded us despite how often we went to visit them. I mean we were in Tallahassee a lot but I’m starting to realize that we never really did a lot there.

I do want to change that because I practically grew up there. Even though I’m not as close now as I was back then I still want to go there and do some of the things that they have to offer. Now that my son is getting old enough to really enjoy some of these things I would really like to be able to take him there.

Even though I’m pretty introverted I don’t want my son to only know the inside of our home and that’s it. I want him to be able to experience things and to be more independent. Not only that but I would love to be able to experience some of these things as well. Since I didn’t get the chance when I was younger I want to be able to do these things with my son as he gets older.

Here are some fun things to do in Tallahassee FL that you might not know about.

Fun things to do in Tallahassee FL

Since Tallahassee is the capital of Florida that means there are tons of things to do around the area. There are fun things to do in and around Tallahassee along with other cities that you can visit. These are just a few fun things to do in Tallahassee FL and I will be adding more to them at a later date.

Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park

So, I’m not really sure why exactly I’m just finding out about Alfred B. Maclay Gardens. If you’re an outdoorsy type of person then this might be a great thing for you to do.

Even if you aren’t a big outdoor person then I highly suggest going here anyways. I know everyone isn’t really an outdoorsy person. Sometimes I just feel like you’re really missing out if you aren’t getting outdoors and experiencing life outside of your home.

The only thing is that the time things start to bloom here they actually charge you more to get into the park. So, if you don’t want to pay the extra then make sure you don’t go there between January and April.

Tallahassee Automobile Museum

The Tallahassee Automobile Museum is somewhere I really want to be able to take my son. I have absolutely no interest when it comes to cars. That’s just me though.

Ever since my son turned one he has always had an interest in cars. He loves looking at them and he always wants new cars whenever we go to a new store. So I kind of want to take him here and see what he thinks of bigger and older cars.

This seems like a cool little area with older vehicles. So, if you’re into cars I highly suggest going to this museum!

Going to a museum is a great way to get out of the house and it’s one of the fun things to do in Tallahassee, FL

Fern Trail

I know I know another outdoor activity. Fern Trail is a trail located in Tallahassee and is just over three miles.

This is a little area by the looks of it looks really pretty. The cool thing about it is that it is kind of located around The Governor’s Square Mall. Considering how often I have gone to this mall I did not know that this trail was located so close.

I pretty much figured that it was somewhere outside of city limits. But the cool thing is that you can use this as a chance to do something outside and then go do a little bit of shopping when you are done.

Hopefully, soon I can go and do something like this and tell you guys all about it!

Lake Ella

Lake Ella is such a pretty area!

I’m telling you for someone who has been next door to Tallahasse all of my life there are a lot of things about the city that I didn’t know about.

Lake Ella is one of those things! I know this is another outdoor thing but if you’re looking for date ideas then I suggest going here in the evening. This is such a pretty location to go and visit.

On top of that, it’s not in the middle of nowhere. There are a few shops that are surrounding it so when you get done you can go to some of the stores and cool off.

Fun Station is one of the fun things to do in Tallahassee FL

The Fun Station is probably one of the few places on this list that I have actually gone to. Granted it has been a long time since I have gone but it was so much fun when we did go.

The Fun Station is pretty much Tallahassee’s version of Chuckee Cheese. As a kid, I use to have a lot of fun here. But now as an adult, I would love to be able to go back. I still love being able to play games and I know my son would thoroughly enjoy this as well.

Just make sure you realize that you will probably blow some money if you do go here. I think it’s kind of hard not to at places like this.

St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge

St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge is located on the outskirts of Tallahassee.

This area is such a huge location! I get that’s kind of understandable because it’s a refuge. They are supposed to be pretty big. So, I don’t know what I was thinking when I thought the area was going to be a lot smaller than it was.

I’m actually thinking I have been here before but I don’t know for sure. St. Marks Lighthouse is why I think I have been here before. It looks so familiar. But maybe that’s because all lighthouses for the most part look the same.

I don’t know what my fascination is with lighthouses lately but I have wanted to go to as many as I can. So I guess that means I need to go back to St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge.

Challenger Learning Center

fun things to do in tallahassee, FL

So this is the only other place that I have gone to on this list.

To be honest I don’t think I would have ever gone here either if it wasn’t for my cousin. She was homeschooling her kids at the time and this was somewhere she was she was taking them to learn something new.

This learning center is a pretty fun thing to do in Tallahassee FL and on top of that, it has an Imax that you can take your kids to. From what I remember I do think this center is aimed toward younger kids. I do think that older kids might enjoy it as well.

If you’re a homeschooler then this might be something for you as well because they do have homeschool days. It could be a fun thing for the kids to do as well.

Lake Talquin State Forest

If you’re in the area then this is actually a fun thing to do and it’s on the cheaper side.

I’m all about looking for cheap things to do. Ever since my husband lost his pretty good paying job I have gotten smarter about the activities that we do. Lake Talquin State Forest only cost $3 per car. That’s not a bad deal for something that you will be doing almost all day.

This is a good place to go hiking, fishing, and hiking. There are a lot of pretty locations in Tallahassee and Lake Talquin State Forest is no different. I’m a very outdoorsy person so that might make me a little bit biased.

Wakulla Springs Park is one of the fun activities to do in Tallahassee FL

Wakulla Springs Park is something I would love to go and do sometime during the warmer months.

The springs have a lot of options from walking on trails to taking a boat ride on the springs.

This is another pretty area in the Tallahassee area that I kind of knew about but have never been to. This is something I would love to do as well. This is something that seems pretty popular when it comes to fun things to do in Tallahassee FL.

Even though most of these things are locations perfect for all ages I do suggest doing something like this with them. I can’t wait to do something like this with my husband and son!

I hope you’re able to do some of these fun things to do in Tallahassee Fl. If you’re from around the area what are some suggestions that you have?

If you ever come to this area let me know what you think and what you did down here!

If you’re looking for bucket list ideas then make sure to check out my list here.

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